
Monday October 5th, 2009

Today we talked about the functions of the ribosomes.
Ribosomes are organelles of the cell that are in charge of a process called Translation.

A |A
T |U
C |C
G |G

There is a process in which some enzymes make a copy of DNA but is called RNA.
As you can see in the table above, RNA does not have the letter T, so it is the only change that occurs (T becomes U).

In DNA the letters in one strand will always be connected to another certain letter on the other strand:

A will always be with T & C will always be with G.

Example of a possible DNA structure:

RNA is a copy of only 1 strand (and replacing all T's with U's). So the copy of the DNA example would be:
G | G
C | C
G | G
A | A
T | U
A | A
C | C
T | U
G | G
G | G
C | C
T | U

Now what a ribosome would do with this RNA is divide it into groups of 3 letters:

Now each group of three letters is called a codon.
Each codon is an Aminoacid, and has a name (the name of each codon is not important for us to memorize, the teacher
will give us a table with the names).
The names of the codons from the example would be:
GCG: alanina
AUA: soleucina
CUG: leucina
GCU: alanina

Now that each part of the RNA is a codon (group of aminoacids) it is a protein that can be used.

RNA: copy of ONE strand of the DNA, but instead of T's has U's.
Ribosomes: converts the RNA into aminoacid chains that conform a protein (Translation).
DNA: has two strands (chains of letters), but only one will be used for the RNA copy.
Proteins: chains of aminoacids
A is to T as G is to C

Luz Garduño

last class we saw how RNA is transform into proteins so basically is a very simple process basically i tell these example and told it to martha and she understand:

imagine that you are in a candy shop and the RNA is the code for example PTP is a pulparindo TTU is a tootsie and BGB is a bubblegum so the RNA is kind of a list with the codes and you are the ribosome's for example in the list you have PTPBGBTTUTTUPTPBGBBGB so what you make is separate the initials in three and get the candies so you got basically a nice basket with a pulpariando then a bubblegum, tootsie,pulparindo,bubblegum,bubblegum, and that kind of linear basket is the protein.

AMINOACID:what makes up a three letter codons

CODON: a 3 letter group like a worg PTP

PROTEIN:a chain of codons

but so these posible can be possible you need kind of to"codify" those messages by finding theryre complementary letter here are the complementary letters for ATCG





But cause DNA does not has T its change into a U

Naneth Lopez Argil

The RNA copies the DNA Information. It gets to the Rough. E.R. (where the Ribosomes are) and the ribosomes, by the Translation Method, Translate the RNA and make it a Protein. Here is a more detail explanation http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/medicine/dna/index.html

A segment of RNA its at least one protein... those big chains of DNA that RNA copies... it know where to stop copying because of the Determination codes... are to determine where a chain ends. =)


these are more info. of the Replicacion of DNA

And here is info of the genetic codes

Here is a video of RNA... its cool =) and understandable

Juan Pablo Campos

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