
Monday October 19th, 2009

So this Monday 19th of October =)... We keep watching a little of mitosis, but also we started with meiosis. so this is :

Here is a video of the 4 Steps of mitosis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WwIKdyBN_s

1. Prophase: the DNA condense to cromosomes
2. Metaphase: the Cromosomes get in the spindles
3. Anaphase: while the cromosomes are on the spindle... they separate to both poles
4. Telophase: the cell divides into 2

Here is other video in which there are many cells doing mitosis in real time =O: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m73i1Zk8EA0

So here are some specification about mitosis:

-It happens in EVERY cell EXCEPT on sperm and ovum/ova
-The mitosis happens for reproduction
-It happens all the time... but mostly at GROWTH

These are the similarities between the mitosis and meiosis:

- Division -Division
- mother/daughter - mother/daughter
-all cells except Sexual cells - ONLY sexual cells
- 2 daughters (46 cromosomes) - 4 daughters (23 cromosomes)
- Diploid (genetic info.) -Haploid (genetic info)

Heres a video


Juan Pablo Campos

(Liga del ultimo video enviada por Fernando Lopez)

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