
Monday May 31st

Well last class we saw aneuploidies that is a mutation that ocurrs in a whole chromosome.

But first we need to knowe that the smaller the number of chromosome the bigger it is, and that a monosomy is one less chromosome and trisomy is one extra chromosome.

First we saw down syndrome that its a trisomy in chromosome 21 some symptoms of these disease are the overgrowth of some organs, they are mentally challenged, they have a bigger tongue, shorter neck, mongoloid eyes, just one line across its hand, thay cant have kids but they can live several years, and its the most common trisomy.

Then we saw edwards syndrome that its also a trisomy in chromosome 18 some symtoms of these disease is that they overgrowth their head, they have lots of neurological diseases, they live in average 5 to 15 days, thay have malformations, heart delays, breeathing difficulties, and muscle contractions, and they are legal for abortion.

Then we saw prader-willi syndrome that is a deletion of almost an 80% of the mothers 15 chromosome and these kids are always hungry but it dosent mean that they need to be fat if they receive the correct treatment, they present short neck, short ears, mentally challenged, they have very weak muscles,and they can have a normal regular long life.

Then the klinfelter syndrome that deals with sex chromosomes XXY that its a male that in puberty they start presenting secondary women features, but it dosent affect anything healthwise.

Then we have a very rare syndrome that is called the turner syndrome and they just have an X chromosome and they look like kids all their lives, they dont develop their sexual features, there neck is not completely defined.

Then we have the most shocking syndrome that its the patau syndrome and basically these kids dont survive and maximum they live two days, thay have malformations, 6 to 7 fingers,and sometimes they have ciclod eyes.

Then we saw three syndromes first trisomy 22 and these kids dont survive at all cause thay have spontaneous abortions, then the XYY sindrome which we call the super macho and they just have and extra Y chromosome and are a little big taller with no health problems, and XXX syndrome in which nothing happens.

Then we have the angelman syndrome that is a deletion in chromosome 15 they have mental difficulties, they are always smiling and happy, and their father chromosome is deleted, they cant cry.
Naneth Lopez

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