
today we talked about 2 things;proteins & nucleic acids

-amino group
a polimer is a group of monomers, so in the case of proteins, aminoacids are the monomers and proteins the polimers.
monomer+monomer+monomer= polimer aminoacid+aminoacid+aminoacid= protein
-carboxylic acid
-3 forms
positive form/negative form/ zwitterion form(changes from negative to positive form).

-MANY! (they have many functions in our body, they can be: hormones, antibodies, enzymes, structural proteins, storage proteins, etc.)

Found in

Sickle cell anemia
a person with this disease has "C" shaped hemoglobine. When hemoglobine has this shape it can't transport oxygen to
the whole body and they are sticky so they can easily create clots. Their is no cure but gene therapy is still under
experimentation. It can only be inherited.
Here is a picture of a normal hemoglobine and one with sickle cell anemia:

Mad cow disease
This disease cannot be transmited to humans but there is a disease that is similiar to it and it appears in humans, it is the
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.
The mad cow disease is provoked by a protein that changes shape, called Prion, and has the ability to change other
proteins shape.

Nucleic Acids:
Polymer of nucleotides
Phosphate group
Nytrogen base

Genetic Information

| Nucleus | outside |
| A,T,C,G | A,U,C,G |
|Dioxybose | Ribose |
| Store |Transport|
|2 Strands | 1 Strand |

Luz Abril Garduño

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