
Monday, september 28, 2009

energy: "ability or capacity to do work"
chemical energy: it is storage between bonds, and it can be realize in fo
rm of light, fire, etc
organelles: parts that form a cell
this class we talked about

-found in animal and plant cells
-this organelle is compose by an outer membrane and an inter membrane,inside the inter membrane there are ions and fluids (the juicy part of the mitochondria, haha)
-main function: to produce ATP (adenosinetriphosphate -main source of energy-) by taking glucose, this way energy is release
-content mitochondrial DNA


-found only in plant cells
-takes energy from the sun this way it can make the photosynthesis (the way plant make food for themselves and release oxygen)
-the chloroplast main structure is tylatoid.
- content chloroplast DNA

we talked about endosymbiotic theory propose by Lynn Margulis
tells that the eukaryotic cells are an evolution of the prokaryotic cell, that happened millions of year ago, this process was caused by the symbiotic process, that is the relationship of interdependence that exist between prokariotic cells, a prokaryotic cell was to close to another one, by the pass of the time some prokaryotic cells was getting together with other, the prokariotic cells stacked inside the biggest cell form the organelles, this way this cells have a double membrane..
this theory can be prove because:
-the size of some organelles (ex. mitochondria) is consistent with some of the prokariotic cells
-the genome: have two very different kind of DNA, as if they came from different organism
-and the organism still attacking the mitochondria as if it was an strange object

you can also visit this page:
here are hers scientific contributions
concept you should know:(like glossary)
>organelle:A membrane-delimited compartment found inside eukaryotic cells, such as mitochondria, the nucleus and vacuoles
>energy: The capacity for work. /The ability to do work, or produce change.
>glucose: a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms; an important source of physiological energy
>membrane: regulates what comes in and what comes out in cell, delimits the boundaries of the cell
>endosymbiotic theory: the origins of mitochondria and plastids (e.g. chloroplasts), which are organelles of eukaryotic cells. According to this theory, these organelles originated as separate prokaryotic organisms which were taken inside the cell.
>symbiosis: the relation between two different species of organisms that are interdependent; each gains benefits from the other
>genome: The genetic material of an organism. (DNA and RNA)
>prokaryotic cell: A cell that lacks organelles. Bacteria and Archaea.
>eukaryotic cell: cells are organized into complex structures enclosed within membranes. Most living organisms, including all animals, plants, fungi, and protists.
and the homework
what does "endo-" means?
what is a membrane?
what is a system?
Juana Montoya


Friday, september 25th

So today you were supposed to watch this video and make the videos I asked for (4 in total).

You were supposed to write a journal about the activities you were to do, but you didn't do it so there is no journal to write.
Also, I will take this topic as discussed, so next class we'll move on to the next topic.
Have a nice weekend.
Teacher Ariel.


Monday, september 21st, 2009


On today´s class we saw the two existing kind of cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

Some of their differences and similarities between these 2 types of cells:



-Has membrane

-No nucleus

-Cell wall (complex)



-Has membranes

-Mitosis and meiosis

-Chromosomes (paired-linear)

-Cell wall (not all), only in plants.


There are 2 types of eukaryotic cells: animal and plant cells.

Plant cells

-Are in plants and fungi.

-They compose the cell wall with cellulose (glucose+glucose+glucose)

-Have chloroplasts, which give plants a bright green color, and that are involved in photosynthesis.

-Vacuole is a big storage compartment that takes most of the cell space

Animal cells

.-Are in animals and protozoan.

-They don´t have a cell wall.

-They have centrioles.

-Centrioles are needed to make cilia and flagella.

-Flagella look like a single tail and cilia like many little hairs.

-There are rare cases in which a single cell has both, cilia and flagella.

-Centrioles are built from a cylindrical array of 9 microtubules, each of which has attached to it 2 partial microtubules.

We also saw some videos of amoebae. It is really rare the way they kind of eat other cells. They start spreading until they enclose the other cell. Later this other cell realizes that it can´t get out. But you can understand better if you watch the following videos:

How amoeba feed:


Flagella and cilia:


Amoeba in motion:


Stephanie Sotelo


Friday, september 18th, 2009

Today was the start of Unit II, and with it the first topic as well: Cells.

Cells, as seen last unit, are what the living organisms are composed of. No living organism does not have cells, and neither does a non-living needs them.

Cells are ''Structural, functional unit of all living organisms'' by definition.

There are two different types of cells, Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.

There are several differences between them. Prokaryotes are the older, and also the most ancient type of cells. Most compose the numerous bacteria that live even up to this day. Despite their long time of existence, they haven't changed much of their simple structure. They don't have a nucleous, and neither the endomembrane system. The genetic information withing them float free in the citoplams. As for movement, they only have the flagellum.

Meanwhile, Eukaryotes are more recent. They, unlike the former ones, do have a nucleous, and also compose the multicellular organisms, while Prokaryotes come in only unicellular life forms.

Then we saw about Bacteria. Bacteria are prokaryotes that can be found nearly anywhere, even in the human body. Bacteria are responsible for diseases called infections, and the only way to kill them off is by te use of antibiotics. These only work on bacteria, and nothing else, though it's also possible for the bacteria to develop a resistance to it, which is why it's unadvisable to use them if they aren't needed.

The bacteria usually infect by injecting toxins to the cell, or just touching them with their membrane, which can also carry the toxins.

Yet, just are there are bad bacteria for the humans, there are also harmless, and even benefical ones. Some harmless bacteria even right now live in the skin, though that's just it, nothing more or less. Yet, this can be helpful since if a bacteria, probably a harmful one, arrives, and the bacteria will repell it as it would be intruding it's home.

Then, bacteria are also responsible for the creating of some consumables, like bread, milk-related products, and alcohol.

Finally, we saw about the Archaeobacteria. These ones are noticable in being able to live through extreme conditions. Some would be the Thermoacidophiles, who live in extremly hot and acid places, like in the ocean floor where the magma from the mantle travels out into the water.

Then there are the Halophiles, who live in very salty places, and are in fact the only living organisms capable of living in the Dead Sea.

Finally, there are the Methonagen, who live in places with a lack of oxygen, like swamps, where even other organisms living there have to get out of it in order to breath from now and then, yet these bacteria don't need to.
Juan Manuel Aguirre G.


Monday, september 7th, 2009

On this class we saw a movie named SUPER SIZE ME.

As an introduction the movie gives numerous impressive statistics of obesity in the United States of America.

Did you now that in the United States 60% of adults have obesity? That in Mississippi 1 of every 4 people is obese? These are really impressive numbers! Don’t you think? Well it looks like many us don’t care of this but something should be done to stop this situation.

One reason is that many people don’t do any form of exercise (in the United States 60% of Americans) and this contributes the fat to stay in the body.

Another of the obvious reasons is the fast food places, for example: McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, between many others. One of every four people visits a fast food place per day! But here the question is: Is this kind of food healthy at all? Of course not, this food contains a lot of calories and is cooked with a lot of oil affecting many of our organs.

Trying to prove this point of view and to make conscience in people, which is the main purpose of this movie or documentary, a man did an experiment.

The experiment consisted of eating breakfast, meal and dinner at McDonald’s for 30 days and only eating products make in there. He needed to always choose something different, choosing at least once every item in the menu. But the worst rule is that when the worker offers him supersize he needs to accept it.

The first thing he did was making some analysis and consulted three specialists in health care (doctor, nutritionist and psychologist).

Here are the levels at the beginning:

-triglycerides: 43

-glucose: 165

-cholesterol: normal

-weight: 185.5lb

-body fat: 11%

*Considering which the levels should be this is a man with a perfect health.

*He also went with a physic conditioner to make some tests and he was over the average.

Doctors told him that this idea was crazy and have many risks but he insisted on trying even knowing that his health could be severely damage. Like this he started his adventure through McDonald’s fast food restaurants.

Like three or four days after he started the seller ask him if he wanted a super size combo, and as the rules, he accepted. He was eating eat in his car and after an hour of trying to eat all that hamburger, fries and soda he vomited.

He made some surveys in the street and almost everyone whom he asked say they like fast food and didn’t know what the meaning of a calorie is. A man has a record of like 23000 Big Mac’s in his whole life, with an average of 2 or 3 per day. He went through some schools, elementary, and even if the ¨chef¨ knows they are serving bad food they don’t do anything. Well, but if the government sends them only canned food, what are they suppose to think.

After 19 days he started feeling bad. He says that he woke up feeling he couldn’t breathe and scared went to the doctor to make other analysis. The doctor told him he could destroy his liver so his girlfriend and mom told him to stop with this insane idea but surprisingly he didn’t give up and complete the 30 days.

At the end, he had gained 24.5 lb, 7% more of body fat, an increment in triglycerides, glucose levels and cholesterol and a lot of consequences: gas, chest pressure, headaches, liver illness (fatty liver), breathing difficulties, mood change, depression, addiction, fatigue, of many more.

It is important to point out that there is not only addiction to drugs, alcohol and tobacco but food can also be and addiction and in the movie they prove it. When he wasn’t eating hamburgers, fries or whatever McDonald’s product he felt sad and depressed.

So, it is important to think in the consequences of our actions not only the ones that affect other people but also actions that affect us, so choose a balance diet because life is precious and we should take care of it.

Stephanie Sotelo


today we talked about 2 things;proteins & nucleic acids

-amino group
a polimer is a group of monomers, so in the case of proteins, aminoacids are the monomers and proteins the polimers.
monomer+monomer+monomer= polimer aminoacid+aminoacid+aminoacid= protein
-carboxylic acid
-3 forms
positive form/negative form/ zwitterion form(changes from negative to positive form).

-MANY! (they have many functions in our body, they can be: hormones, antibodies, enzymes, structural proteins, storage proteins, etc.)

Found in

Sickle cell anemia
a person with this disease has "C" shaped hemoglobine. When hemoglobine has this shape it can't transport oxygen to
the whole body and they are sticky so they can easily create clots. Their is no cure but gene therapy is still under
experimentation. It can only be inherited.
Here is a picture of a normal hemoglobine and one with sickle cell anemia:

Mad cow disease
This disease cannot be transmited to humans but there is a disease that is similiar to it and it appears in humans, it is the
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.
The mad cow disease is provoked by a protein that changes shape, called Prion, and has the ability to change other
proteins shape.

Nucleic Acids:
Polymer of nucleotides
Phosphate group
Nytrogen base

Genetic Information

| Nucleus | outside |
| A,T,C,G | A,U,C,G |
|Dioxybose | Ribose |
| Store |Transport|
|2 Strands | 1 Strand |

Luz Abril Garduño