
Monday, August 17th, 2009

Today was the first day of school. In our first Biology I class we went through the rules, schedules, evaluation, etc.
First, we discussed the evaluation that is 50% exams, 25% homework, 5% participation, 5% glossary, 5% Facebook group and 10% blog.
Let me explain this. Like always, the exams will count 50% and that will not change.
The homework and assignments will have a value of 25% and we have to send the homework to the teacher’s e-mail before 12:00 am of the day we have class with him. Late works will only be permitted one class after. That is before 12:00 am of the second class with him and late works will count only the half of the points it normally would count.
Then, the participations will be managed by Juan Manuel. He will have a list of our names and he will be adding us a participation every time we a port something useful to the class.
Also, there is a Facebook group that the teacher is going to invite us to once we add him as a friend in Facebook. It will be like last semester’s forum. We will discuss topics and every student must comment at least two times per subject. We are going to be able to post links, videos, photos and comment in each other’s comments. It will be our coffeehouse and the person that comments and is more aware of the group will get a reward. It will not be as big as last semester’s but we don’t know yet what. We will have to be creative and in the group we will also be able to download files like the green paper that teacher gave us today.
On the day of the exam we will have to turn in a glossary about the words or topics we saw on that unit.
We will have Biology I twice a week and we will have to write a summary about every day we have class. It should be about the topics we saw on the two hours of class. We have to send the summary to the teacher’s e-mail and he will choose the best summary of each day and post it in a blog. The person that has more posts about his or her summaries will get a reward bigger that the reward of the Facebook group.
Other rules or notes are that this class will be on Mondays and Fridays from 9:50 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Also, the teacher said that this semester our classes will be more relaxed and more theory than last semester. We will have two warnings before a report and we have NO PERMISIONS to go out. The teacher is going to try to allow us 3 permissions per semester and we will manage them. If we enter the class before the teacher has finished taking attendance, we are allowed to stand by him and tell him to check us when he finishes. But if we enter after he has said the last name, we will have an absence.
In a totally different topic, we talked about a myth story that the teacher got by e-mail. It was about a boy that got AIDs because he ate a hamburger that had blood of someone with AIDs. We analyzed deeply this story and took out all the facts about AIDs so that next time that we hear something about AIDs we will know what myth is and what is not. We learned that first we have to get HIV to develop AIDs. Someone can be HIV positive without having any disease or bad symptoms. If you get a bad flu and don’t have good defenses to fight it then you might get AIDs. We also learned that AIDs doesn’t survive in water and it only stays alive for like 5 seconds outside the human body. It only survives in certain temperatures.
We discussed about how most chains in e-mail are fame of myth, that even news in TV are wrong. We have to think about the information we get and analyze it and research with what we know is true and what is approved with what is not.
Ariela Romo de la Ree

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